Ask JP about: Health and wellbeing support programs in schools; engaging with young people; conducting evaluations; The Tragedy of Macbeth; identifying bluffs in Texas Hold'em.

JP vizcay-wilson (HE/HIM)


JP is a consultant at dandolo with a strong background in education and youth arts engagement. He graduated from the University of Queensland with a Bachelor of Arts (psychology and philosophy). He spent many years constructing and facilitating workshops for educators in the areas of curriculum, communication and engagement.  He has strong analytical skills, and enjoys finding elegant and efficient solutions to composite problems. 

Some of JP’s contributions since joining dandolo include: 

  • Developing a strategy to procure software in schools for an education department 

  • Conducting a long-term evaluation of a high-profile mental health initiative in high schools 

  • Analysing, researching and developing an understanding of an emerging service-system workforce for a large philanthropic organisation 

  • Developing a prospectus to promote investment in an innovative public health program 

Prior to working at dandolo, JP: 

  • Developed and facilitated professional development seminars for many institutions across Australia, including English Teachers Association of Queensland (ETAQ) 

  • Constructed a framework for a youth/arts company to deliver inaccessible conceptual ideas to high school students across varying levels of competency 

  • Delivered thousands of workshops to students across Australia at the behest of teachers struggling to communicate concepts